
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Seasons Turn

The season of Epiphany begins with January 6 and lasts until it turns into Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 1.

"These are the feasts of the Lord...which ye shall proclaim in their seasons" (Lev. 23:4).

Much like the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter, the Church Year is made up of six seasons: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.

We are currently in Epiphany, a season defined by the Wise Men, the Baptism of Jesus, the Wedding at Cana, and finally the Transfiguration.  Soon it will be Lent.

Let me give you a way to understand this succession of seasons.  Use the word "becomes" or, better yet, "turns into."  Instead of seeing Christmas, for example, as coming to an end, see it as turning into Epiphany.  And before long, Epiphany will turn into Lent.  Then Lent into Easter.  Easter into Pentecost.  And again before long, Pentecost will turn into being face to face with God in heaven!

For now, we have the Church Year to guide us and teach us many things.  As Jesus turned water into wine at Cana's wedding, one blessed season turns into another.  But always the same Christ.